Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Different View

I wanted to go with a "Different View" in this post. I'm always posting images of my clients, but never any of my family. I wanted to post a few of our Christmas celebration at my Grandparent's house. We had a ton of fun, and ate until we almost burst, but it was definitely a special Christmas. The two pictures below are of my Grandparents. My Grandmother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer less than 6 months ago and is currently undergoing Chemotherapy treatments, and my grandfather has suffered multiple heart attacks and strokes over the past 10 years. Although their health is waning, they are still the full-of-life, wonderful, loving Grandparents that I have always known. And to me, they are still a cute couple!

Parker, AKA the Cutest Kid EVER! --Hey, he's mine, I can brag if I want!


My Sister, Kayla, my cousins, and The Cutest Kid EVER!

And because it was just too funny to pass up...My Husband, Jonathan, and my Sister Kayla acting insane, as always!

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